Thursday, June 18, 2009
यह खत नही है ये दिल है मेरा
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Emergency Contraceptive Pills
Emergency Contraceptive is a single-pill emergency contraceptive that offers you an effective way to prevent an unplanned pregnancy. Emergency Contraceptive Pills contains levonorgestrel - a progestogen which helps prevent the implantation of the egg in the uterus and avoids the beginning of pregnancy.
Anxiety, uneasiness, anger, fear, self pity, regret, loneliness, shame… there’s so much trauma one has to go through after an abortion resulting from an unwanted pregnancy. You Can avoid by using ECP .
Emergency contraceptive pill. Just one pill within 72 hours of unprotected sex is all it takes to prevent a possible pregnancy and a traumatic abortion. Because prevention is better than abortion. Isn’t it?
When Need of an Emergency contraceptive pills arises?
1. Contraceptive failure
2. Unprotected sex
3.Improper use of your regular birth control method
4.Forced sex
How Emergency contraceptive pills Work?
It may stop an egg being released from the ovary.
If an egg has been released, i-pill may prevent the sperm from fertilizing it.
If the egg is already fertilized, it may prevent it from attaching itself to the lining of the womb.
ECP is ineffective if the pregnancy is established it is not a abortion pill.
How To Use Emergency Pills ?
ECP is an oral tablet. It should be swallowed with some water within 72 hours of unprotected sex to prevent pregnancy.
It is advisable to take ECP after meals to prevent vomiting. If you vomit within three hours of taking Emergency contraceptive pills, you should take Emergency contraceptive pills as soon as possible.
How Effective is Emergency Contraceptive Pills ?
The sooner i-pill is used, the more effective
95% effective within 24 hours of unprotected sex
85% between 25-48 hours and
58% if taken between 49-72 hours.
But if the periods are delayed by more than a week, you should go in for a pregnancy test and consult a doctor.
What is side effects, and How Much safe to use for almost every woman.
Nausea, vomiting, lower abdominal pain, a feeling of breast tenderness and headache are some common side effects after taking i-pill. All this should stop within a day or two. There are chances of unexpected vaginal bleeding, but this is not dangerous and should clear up by the time of the next period. ECP might also cause the next period to come early or later than normal. But if the periods are delayed by more than a week, it is recommended to go in for a pregnancy test. ECP will have no lasting effect that may complicate future (and wanted) pregnancies. ECP is not recommended if you are allergic to levonorgestrel - the medicine.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
वृषभ राशि
मेष राशिः Aries Sign (personality & Nature) Hindi Version
मेष राशिः
नामाक्षर : चू, चे, चो , ला , ली , लू , लो , अ
व्यक्तित्व एवं स्वभावः
मेष राशिः वाले जातक को क्रोध जल्दी आता है और इनमे धैर्य की कमी होती है । आप अधिक महात्वाकांक्षी और स्वाभिमानी होते है । ये स्पस्ट वक्ता , उदार ,स्वतंत्र प्रिय होते है ।
मेष राशि जातक का प्रेम एवं दांपत्य रहस्य
मेष राशिः का जातक आकर्षक , प्रभावशाली रूप वाले होने के कारण ये लोगो से जल्दबाजी में प्यार करते है लेकिन इनका प्यार कुछ दिनों का मेहमान होता है । ऐसे लोग रोमांस को कम पसंद करते है और शारीरिक सम्बन्ध में ज्यादा विश्वास रखते है । मेष राशिः व्यक्ति पर हर तरह की लड़किया आकर्षित होती है। मेष पति पत्नी के रूप में ये आधिक भरोसेमंद होते है । ये काफ़ी रोमांटिक स्वभाव के होने के कारण ये अपने जीवनसाथी का मनोरंजन करते रहते है। मेष राशिः जीतने स्पीड में प्यार करते है उसी स्पीड से प्यार के जाल से बाहर आ जाते है ।
मेष राशिः करियर और बिजनेस
आप इलेक्ट्रिसिटी , मीडिया, स्वर्ण , चांदी तथा ताम्बा धातु , औषधि , भोजनालय , रेस्टोरेंट , आयुध फैक्ट्री में , आयुर्वेद के डॉक्टर तथा किसान (फार्मर) का कार्य कर सकते है । पॉलिटिकल एवं सामाजिक कार्य कर सकते है ।
मेष राशि भाग्योदय:
आप का भाग्योदय 2८ वे साल के बाद होगा । पूर्व के दिशा आप के लिए शुभ रहती है। आप के जीवन में १६,१८,२५,२७, ३०, ३४,४३,५२,५४ व ६३ वर्ष शुभ रहता है ।